West Valley Campus

West Valley Campus & Hybrid Learning

West Valley Campus

In-Person – Grades K-5

Hybrid Learning Program

Hybrid – Grades 6-8

Open enrollment for the 2023-24 school year for Central Phoenix starts on January 1, 2023. Find our enrollment interest form below or click here to go to a separate page.

For more information about potential enrollment at the AZACS In-Person Schools Including the Early Learning Center, the Elementary Campus, the Upper School Campus and the New West Valley Campus along with AZACS Online Schools including the new Hybrid School contact:

Lisa Long

Head of Operations and Growth



Dana Van Denise

Senior Director Online Schools

Maria Colunga


Fair and Equitable Enrollment Policy 

AZACS aims to make all of its schools and  programs accessible to all eligible students, however, demand exceeds capacity frequently and AZACS’ fair and equitable enrollment practices come into play. AZACS enrolls all eligible students in grades K-12 who submit a timely application unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level or building per ARS 15-184.

Applications are accepted starting January 1 for the following school year, and selection of students starts in March. For any grade level/program for which there are more applications than available spaces, a lottery is held to select students for that classroom or program. Students who are not selected through the lottery process are placed on a waitlist. The same procedure takes place each school year. If more applications are received than the available slots, then a lottery is held to select students to enroll. 

While AZACS focuses on best-practices for students with autism and attracts a majority of students with autism, it is an open enrollment school where all students are welcome. AZACS does not limit admission based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language or athletic ability per ARS 15-184. 

Open Enrollment


Enrolling Now! Campuses in Central Phoenix, West Valley, Tucson, and Online. Open enrollment for 2025-2026 has started!